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10-11.2.2022 | Workshop: Non-lexical vocalizations in interaction with  Leelo Keevallik (Linköping U.)

16.03.2022 | Lecture and discussion: On Edward Rose with Jakub MlynáÅ™ (Charles U., Prague)

01.04.2022 | Workshop: On Comparability organized by Guillaume Gauthier, Sofian Bouaouina, Mizuki Koda
Presenters: Thomas Debois, Federica D’Antoni, Julia Schneerson, Mizuki Koda, Sofian Bouaouina, Guillaume Gauthier. With Ann Weatherall (U. Roehampton, London). Discussant: Lorenza Mondada


13.04.2022 | Pre-workshop: Interactions in Public Space 
Presenters: Julia Schneerson, Philipp Hänggi, Federica D’Antoni, Sofian Bouaouina, Hanna Svensson, Lorenza Mondada. Discussant: Eric Laurier (U. Edinborough)

14-15.04.2022 | Workshop: Understanding Crowds, Trouble and Politics with Eric Laurier (U. Edinborough)

22.04.2022 | Workshop: Food in Interaction with Leelo Keevallik and Sally Wiggins (Linköping University)
Presenters: Sally Wiggins, Leelo Keevallik, Sofian Bouaouina, Hanna Svensson, Guillaume Gauthier, Mizuki Koda


25.05.2022 | Talk and discussion: Artificial Intelligence and action recognition. With Anna Skarpelis (NOMIS Fellow)

26.05.2022 | Workshop: Sensoriality in Interaction (from the SNF int-senses project). Presenters: Sofian Bouaouina, Laurent Camus, Guillaume Gauthier, Lorenza Mondada, Hanna Svensson, Burak Tekin
21-24.6.2022 | Summer School Advancing Multimodal Conversation Analysis


14-16.9.2022 | Workshop: Sequence organization and embodiment – with Paul Drew


18.11.2021 | Workshop: Food in social interaction (SNSF Project intSenses)
Presenters: Sofian Bouaouina, Guillaume Gauthier, Mizuki Koda, Lorenza Mondada, Hanna Svensson, Burak Tekin — at UBasel.


04-05.11.2021 | Workshop: Multilingualism in encounters in public space (SNSF Project F5W) with Katariina Harjunpää (Tampere Univ.) and Eric Laurier (U. Edinborough)
Presenters: Katariina Harjunpää, Eric Laurier, Philipp Hänggi, Yeji Lee, Lorenza Mondada, Julia Schneerson, Burak Tekin — at UBasel


26-27.09.2021 | Workshop: Talking technologies, Games and Trust Conditions
with Prof. Jonas Ivarsson (Univ. of Gothenburg) — at UBasel


10.06.2021 | Workshop: Flesh in interaction
Presenters: Prof. Oskar Lindwall (Univ. of Gothenburg), Michael Smith (Linköping Univ.), Laurent Camus, Lorenza Modnada — at UBasel


07.06.2021 | The HPSL Workshop: Transcribing non-Indo-European Languages: Perspectives from the Interactional Framework 
Invited speaker: Prof. Marja-Leena Sorjonen (Univ. Helsinki)
Presenters: Mizuki Koda, Yeji Lee, Sofian Bouaouina, Philipp Dankel & Mario Soto Rodriguez (Univ. of Freiburg, Germany). Final discussion: Lorenza Mondada — at UBasel


28.05.2021 | Workshop: Food Practices in Interaction (SNSF Project intSenses)
Presenters: Sofian Bouaouina, Guillaume Gauthier, Mizuki Koda, Lorenza Mondada, Hanna Svensson, Burak Tekin — at UBasel


19.05.2021 | Invited Talk: Phenomenology and Ethnomethodology
with Prof. Christian Meyer (Univ. Konstanz, Germany) — at UBasel


07.-10.05.2021 | Workshop: Human Sociality in the Age of Covid-19
Presenters: Sofian Bouaouina, Guillaume Gauthier, Philipp Hänggi, Mizuki Koda, Yeji Lee, L. Mondada, Julia Schneerson, Hanna Svensson, Burak Tekin — at UBasel


23.04.2021 | Workshop: The Notion of Interactional Space
Presenters: Prof. Pentti Haddington, Tuire Oittinen (Univ. Oulu, Finland), Federica D'Antoni (KU. Leuven), Lorenza Mondada, Julia Schneerson,

Burak Tekin (Uni Basel & Uni Ankara) — at UBasel

19.04.2021 | Workshop: Human Sociality in the Age of Covid-19
Presenters: Sofian Bouaouina, Guillaume Gauthier, Philipp Hänggi, Mizuki Koda, Yeji Lee, L. Mondada, Julia Schneerson, Hanna Svensson, Burak Tekin — at UBasel


25.03.2021 | Workshop: The notion of alignment in social interaction 
with Prof. Jakob Steensig (Univ. Aarhus, Denmark) — at UBasel


15.04.2020 | Workshop: Identification of Participants: How to transcribe/categorize/name them? With Yeji Lee, Guillaume Gauthier and Julia Schneerson — at UBasel

21-22.11.2019 | Workshop: project First 5 Words
with Lorenza Mondada and Elwys De Stefani (KU Leuven) — at UBasel


02.-04.10.2019 | Workshop: Reading of Garfinkel
with Prof. Anne Rawls (Bentley College & Siegen University) — at UBasel


12.-13.09.2019 | Workshop: Culture Services: Paradox of Customer Relations
with Prof. Yutaka Yamauchi (Kyoto University, Japan) — at UBasel



Lorenza Mondada, plenary talk at the IIEMCA19 conference, Mannheim



Lorenza Mondada, plenary talk at the 13th CSCL Conference, Lyon. 



Data sessions with Anja Stukenbrock & Team — at UBasel.


29.5.2019, 15h30-17h30

Data session: Laurent Camus on pain in football broadcasts — at UBasel. 



Pint of Science — at Bibliothek Bar (Kohlenberg 7, Basel).

Presentation by Lorenza Mondada & Team. Title: "Voices of the body: Experiencing and expressing emotions and sensations" URL:



Workshop with Kobin Kendrick, Univ. of York — at UBasel.


Workshop on "Drawing for the anonymization of video data », with Clelia Dumas, artist — at UBasel.



Workshop with Rasmuss Person, Univ. of Linköping — at UBasel.



Workshop on Talk and Body in Institutional and Professional Settings, with Christian Heath (King’s College, London) — at UBasel.



Workshop on Questions and Knowledge in Interaction, with Anita Pomerantz (SUNY/Albany) — at UBasel.



Workshop on Glossing and Translating Talk. With Marja-Leena Sorjonen (Helsinki) — at UBasel.



Workshop on Vocalizations in interaction. With Leelo Keevallik (Linköping) — at UBasel.



Lorenza Mondada, ”Situated and embodied expertise in social interaction: encounters between food connoisseurs”. Plenary talk at the AILA conference, Rio De Janeiro.

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